Pillshere’s/Charlie’s life at the moment 

Hey I’m Charlie I’m in high school I love dogs and I’m pretty good on a trampoline. I have a peanut allergy so school get a bit annoying at times and there are many ways to overcome that annoyance. There are so so many ways to keep yourself up in high school and I have had so many downs in high school and my blog is try and make sure others don’t feel down so here are Charlies tips and tricks to high school.

So a bit more about me I was born in Melbourne and lived there for two years I don’t remember much apart form it was really cold. We moved to Australia went searching for a house and easily enough we found one. During high school you get a fair bit of homework and make sure you get it done the stress and pain of trying to hand it in the second it is due is torture. Make sure that the only thing you do isn’t homework let yourself to some fun play some X box, bounce on the trampoline. then get back to your work so that you don’t only restrain yourself to homework.

I’m directing this to high schoolers that are struggling and don’t know what to do. This is all about how and what to do. pretty much if you are struggling with high school this is where you should be.